Opel CID Video Interface Vectra C

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Opel CID Video Interface Vectra C

Příspěvek od Krtas87 »

Zdravim. Zajímalo by mě, jestli s tím někdo z vás má zkušenosti. Vypadá to celkem zajímavě. Přemýšlím, že bych do toho šel, ale zajímaly by mě nějaké názory.
The OCIDVi unit is an interface adaptor for Opel 16:9 CID available in car providing video input auxiliary
Our Car Video Interface is a professional product that allows you to integrate an external Video source to your cars factory fitted CID Screen. Once connected it gives you the ability to connect an In car DVD player, iPod Video, DVB-T TV Tuner, Rear View Camera, Car Navigation GPS, CarPC etc to keep your passengers entertained.

The interface kit is available in two versions: Standard and Extended for CarPC.
Below are highlited the extended (optional) features for CarPC in addition to standard version.

Features and Capabilities
• Compatible to CID available for Vectra C / Signum / Meriva / Corsa D / AstraH, ZafiraB connected to the following entertainment head units: CD30, CD30 MP3, CD50 Phono, CDC40 Opera, CD70 Navi, DVD90 Navi and DVD100 Navi.
• Watch any Video source on your original Factory fitted CID Screen
• Three composite video inputs (CVBS) with RCA female connectors. The 2nd video input is reserved for the rear video camera. Optionally, the 3rd video input has in addition the S-Video female connector for CarPC.
• NTSC TV system compatibility only.
• 16:9 image format.
• Automatic detection and switching to the video source for rear view camera.
• Automatic detection and switching to main CID image for viewing caller’s name (Opel Phone car kit)
• Configuration for a reverse camera which does not render "the image in the mirror"
• Image luminosity adjustment
• Down the consumption of the battery while the CID-controller displays the image or when the CID is turned off.
• Reset function
• Multi-functions push button for selecting and configuring of video sources. Can be fitted anywhere in the car.
• Car PC serial port for controlling video interface (optional). In this case, the multi-function push button will be optional. This feature provides the possibility to control the CID TFT and video interface from Front End software running on your In Car PC.


Příspěvky: 160
Registrován: 08 říj 2009, 18:16

Re: Opel CID Video Interface Vectra C

Příspěvek od Marky »

Tady to mas take nebo obdobne, pokud budes mit zajem tak kontaktuj RomanaK urcite Ti poradi.
https://www.opel-astra-h.cz/forum/viewt ... =15&t=1105
Toyota Prius 1.8
Ex Vectra Caravan 1.9 CDTI (mazel)
Ex Astra G Caravan 2.0 DTI
Ex Astra F Caravan 1.7 TDS
Příspěvky: 160
Registrován: 08 říj 2009, 18:16

Re: Opel CID Video Interface Vectra C

Příspěvek od Marky »

A co neco takoveho ? Ale ta cena je desna.
http://www.auknet.cz/p8458-autoradio-dv ... afira.html
Toyota Prius 1.8
Ex Vectra Caravan 1.9 CDTI (mazel)
Ex Astra G Caravan 2.0 DTI
Ex Astra F Caravan 1.7 TDS

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